Canopy – published in aid of future Urban Tree Festivals

We are delighted to announce the publication of Canopy a beautifully illustrated 20 page chapbook anthology of poems and flash stories inspired by acclaimed nature writers and sold in aid of future Urban Tree Festivals. Available from our on-line shop

2020 marks the anniversary of some key poets and writers who have put nature writing on the map.

It is 200 years since the first publication of poems by John Clare, the first book was calledPoems Descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery’ published in 1820. Unlike poet and writer contemporaries he came from the labouring classes, frequently described as England’s greatest nature poet.

It is 250 years since the birth of Romantic poet William Wordsworth, a contemporary of Clare, his upbringing and background was far different.  He too, strode out and described landscape and the influence of nature, with trees playing an important part.

It is 300 years since the birth of Gilbert White, naturalist and ornithologist who wrote the seminal “Natural History and Antiquities of Selbourne”.

400 years ago John Evelyn was born, a diarist and gardener. He possibly wrote the first book on trees: ‘Sylva, or A Discourse of Forest Trees‘ in 1664.

In a competition we ran in March and April 2020, we invited people to write a flash story or poem of 250 words or under about trees and nature, either inspired by the works of Clare, Wordsworth or Evelyn, or about the trees and woodland in their local neighbourhood.

The competition was judged by poets Professor Peter Jaeger and Ghazal Mosadeq and were  joined by Nigel Bristow and Andrew Stuck, who  judged the flash pieces.  Rebekah Lattin-Rawstrone is the editor of the anthology, and it is illustrated by Alban Low.

The winning authors whose poems and stories are included in the anthology are:

Paul Chown, Nick Fox, Deborah Harrison, Robert Hogg, Rachel Playforth, Albert Pellicer, E.E. Rhodes, Mark Stewart, Joseph Surtees and Amanda Tuke.

On Sunday 24 May 2020, they will take to the Urban Tree Festival stage to read their pieces, to be joined by authors from our Autumn Colours anthology – you can join them by registering here.

Canopy – a 20pp illustrated chapbook anthology 10 poems and flash stories inspired by great nature writers.  Sale proceeds go towards future Urban Tree Festivals. Available from our on-line shop


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