STOP PRESS: Booking now for London Tree Week 2017 – Read more or Book now
6.30pm-8.30pm Tuesday 26 May, 2015 Mary Geraldine Harmsworth Gardens, Imperial War Museum London SE1
Everyone has heard ‘an old wives’ tale’ about a certain tree species, some of which have a layer of truth within them, others are downright ‘porky pies‘. On this walkshop, participants are encouraged to investigate the myths and make up a few stories of their own. Trees can bear edible fruit, leaves and nuts, so participants can also investigate old recipes, cures and remedies and the brews of white and black witches!

Taking field notes
Each participant receives a field notebook into which they insert tree leaves so by the end of the walk they have their own personal field guide. We encourage them to take photographs and add them to their own personal photo galleries and to a shared on-line gallery.
It is estimated that about 20 per cent of London is covered in trees. The Mayor has a target to increase tree cover by a further 5 per cent, to 25 percent, by 2025………Welcome to London Tree Week where you get the opportunity to celebrate the importance and wonder of the capital’s trees.
6.30pm-8.30pm Tuesday 26 May, 2015 Mary Geraldine Harmsworth Gardens, Imperial War Museum London SE1 Free event – but places must be booked: We will be confirming your place the day before and offering it to a waiting list if we cannot obtain confirmation.
Suitable for all: Adults / Families – accompanied children only.
We are offering two other walks for London Tree Week – check them out here:
Silent Witnesses and Stalking the Hardy Ash
Tree-or-false_Twitter Campaign announcement to dowload – Tweet a myth (or truth) about trees from Monday 20 April #tree_or_false
View a gallery of images from the Ice Age Trail in Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Gardens.
Tree Trail Discovery resource list – there could be a tree trail near you!
Organisations with which we have delivered Tree or False? walkshops include:
Greater London Authority, Lewisham Positive Ageing Council, London Borough of Lewisham, Trees for Cities.